What We Do

  Listen and Analyse We take time to listen and understand your requirements. With an agreed set of requirements we all can be sure the final solution meets your expectations.

  Design We produce a system design, based on the agreed requirements, which is reviewed with the customer, reworked and reviewed until agreement is reached. If you don't have a design specification how do you know when the project is complete? how can you test the product? how can you accept a product into production.

  Develop We develop using technology to meet your requirements, Proven, robust technology is at the heart of our solutions, not just the latest must haves that have unknown faults. a good solution should use leading edge not bleeding edge technology.

  Test Test Plans and Test Specifications based on agreed Functional Specifications provide both our customer and ourselves confidence before committing to a go-live.

   Deploy Thick / Thin Client or Web deployment, we can provide the services to you or train and support your engineers.

  Support Support is one of the most important parts of a the solution that we provide. Various support contract are available and remote access solutions are a speciality

  Company Profile

FSB LogoFederation of Small Businesses Wavetech Consultancy Ltd is proud to be part of the FSB which has over 200,000 members.


  Where We Deliver

Quite simply "We deliver a solution to meet your requirements"


PartnershipsWe have partnerships with several companies who provide specialist services.